Learning to lead
I said at the start of this piece that my headspace would look completely different if it wasn’t for 2024. Those that know me will know I would never refer to myself as confident. Reserved, absolutely – confident - no.
I know where I want to be in my career, but in all honesty, the word ‘leadership’ scared the living daylights out of me. While I know the world of PR and my clients like the back of my hand, leading and inspiring others felt dishonest, if I was crumbling internally with overthinking and self-doubt.
In April 2024, I decided enough was enough. After a lengthy conversation as part of my personal growth and development planning with Karen Tinkler, one of Partners PR’s two owners, I embarked on a six-month Remarkable Leaders programme with
Pro Development. This experience opened my eyes and brought me to where I am now.
From the outset, this course pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me some very valuable lessons, that I have pondered over the festive break to help me shape 2025. Now, thanks to this course, I understand myself, and most importantly I know that leadership doesn’t mean having all the answers.
I have decided that 2025 is the year I lean into being myself. I might not have all the answers, I know there will be challenges along the way, but I’m starting 2025 with complete clarity (which incidentally is one of our team values) on who I want to be, and what I bring to the team, besides an unwavering love for junk food.