A week of PR work experience with Partners PR

15/07/2024 15:49:11
Hello, I’m Jess. I’m just finishing year 10 and I decided to spend my work experience week at Partners PR. 
My public relations work experience week at Partners PR was an amazing experience and it was a lovely change from my regular week at school. I wanted to do something that would help me in the future and I was pleased to get the opportunity to explore PR in an agency setting.

I had a vague understanding of what public relations is and wanted to give it a try. I’ve learnt so much from the team and now think it’s something I’d like to do in the future. It’s given me a great insight into what’s involved in working day to day in a Yorkshire PR agency.  

Before this week, I didn’t realise how vital PR was to a growing business. I’ve now found out how PR helps companies build and maintain a positive reputation and how companies can manage crisis communications in case things unexpectedly go wrong. 
Jess and the Partners PR team
Partners PR office in York

The activities I got involved in during my PR work experience 

One of the best parts was getting thrown in at the deep end and sitting in on a client meeting. Along with attending a networking event and meeting loads of new people. Learning to design newsletters was also very interesting. I think that tailoring it to the client's individual requests would make every different newsletter enjoyable to create. 

I’ve also found out about the important things that need to be included in a press release to make it newsworthy and engaging. And about how businesses can present themselves online, using social media to interact with their connections. I was also shown how to evaluate social media campaigns and report back to clients.

Key take aways from my public relations work experience 

To do well at this job you need to have a fun and creative side that enjoys creating pieces of work that thousands of people will see and read. I got to experience firsthand how hard Partners PR works to make sure their clients get the recognition they deserve.  

Working at Partners PR has given me a greater interest in working in this industry in the future. Anyone who is enthusiastic about making an impact on what businesses or consumers see online or in person should consider exploring a career in PR.  

I’ve enjoyed my week learning about PR and I’ve obviously enjoyed meeting up with the lovely office dog, Flo. It’s been a fun and fascinating week and what I’ve experienced will help me in the future. 
Flo the office dog

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