Glassolutions: delivering sneeze guard solutions

UK manufacturer Glassolutions usually distributes glass for the building industry, including windows, balustrades, partitions, shower screens, splashbacks and mirrors. It developed the
Easy Sneeze Guard as a solution for retailers, call centres and offices to help prevent the spread of germs and infection and protect staff as they return to work.
The Easy Sneeze Guard is made from strong, hygienic and easy to clean laminated glass – a more upmarket solution than plastic alternatives. The easy-to-fit sneeze guards are available in three standard sizes: 1000mm, 1100mm and 1500mm wide, with a height of 800mm, and come with two clamps for safe and sturdy positioning on retail counters and office desks. There is no requirement to screw into the desk so preventing permanent damage.
We helped them to launch the product with the creation of product literature, an e-marketing and media relations campaign aimed at facilities managers, PPC and website support.