Just as you may champion your amazing friends and family on personal platforms, do the same for those with whom you are in partnership as a business, such as suppliers, customers, or distributors. This will bolster them, your business relationships, and may lead to reciprocation (which is always nice!). Someone else’s word is always better than your own and you can help each other on social media by recommending and championing achievements. Did you get great service from your office sarnie supplier? Shout about it! It will mean a lot to them, and I bet you might feel warm and fuzzy too…
Social responsibility is now key to every business model. A great way to be kind online is to champion and support social causes and people in business who perhaps do not have the same privilege and exposure as yours. Supporting local and minority businesses online can make a massive difference to them. Be socially aware and think: “what businesses are local to us or deserve a push” and pay it forward! Follow, interact, and recommend them across your social platforms.