Don’t let a lack of visibility hold your business back 


Are your business growth opportunities hampered because not enough people know what you offer? 

Are you entering a new market, where you’re up against established competitors? Launching a new product or service? Seeking investment to take the company to the next level? Or perhaps you’re struggling to attract the talent you need to deliver your growth ambitions.

Our Pathfinder will help you increase brand awareness and achieve that all-important visibility among the right people to help your business grow. 

How does it work?

Over a series of workshops tailored to your organisation, we'll work with you to,

  • Clarify your goals and the results you need PR to deliver.
  • Identify the people you need to reach and the things that matter to them;
  • Get clear on the messages you need to communicate;
  • Identify the most effective communication channels;
  • Pull everything together into a clear, cohesive and measurable plan.

The Partners Pathfinder will give you:

  • Clarity on exactly what you need PR to achieve for your business.
  • A PR strategy and a practical plan to achieve your goals.
  • Valuable and structured thinking time, with PR experts guiding you through the process.
  • Clear measurement metrics for PR success
  • The option to dip into ongoing advice and support at the level you need from an experienced team.


This is no ‘one size fits all’ workshop. The Pathfinder is tailored around your business, your team and your needs to help you achieve your objectives. We'll work with you to develop a PR strategy that will:


  • Align your PR objectives to your business objectives
  • Help you better understand the audiences that are important to your business
  • Find effective ways of reaching those people with the right messages
  • Create a strategic, focused, structured and measurable plan of action.

“It was money very well invested, and I’d thoroughly recommend it if you’re looking for strategic direction and support from experienced people who are also very easy to work with.” 


See how the Pathfinder has helped other businesses