What makes a great story?

This workshop explores what makes a great news story for different media. It also gives you tips on pitching your stories to journalists and advice on the kind of photos that will help your story stand out from the crowd.

But don't come along expecting to sit and listen: there's plenty for you to do! We'll have you playing news editor, writing press releases or even being grilled, Paxman-style.

By the end of the session, you'll know what makes news - and what doesn't - you'll have an understanding of what journalists are up against on a daily basis and how you can make sure your story is noticed; you'll have mastered the 'so what?' test and you'll have had plenty of opportunities to pitch in, have a go and ask lots of questions of a team with 30 years' PR experience.
What is news workshop

Who should attend?

It's ideal for smaller organisations working to tight budgets with an in-house team that needs to develop media relations skills; or for larger organisations who rely on key team members to identify and put forward stories for PR campaigns, internal magazines, customer newsletters or social networking activity.

The workshop can be tailored specifically to your industry and your organisation. It can run as a two-hour session; a half day or a full day, and we've also delivered mini, half-hour versions (e.g. 'top tips for writing a press release') to business groups, conferences and networks.

We can tailor the workshop to your organisation or group - contact us to chat through your requirements.

  Get in touch today