Delivering results for Emmark UK

The Brief

Emmark UK is one of the UK's leading distributors of replacement parts for agricultural and industrial machinery, with a product range comprising more than 7,500 lines and a customer base spanning several continents.
A family-run business, they contacted us at the beginning of their 25th anniversary year, keen to explore ways of celebrating this impressive business milestone and generating publicity for the company.

The Campaign

Our one-day Pathfinder session with Emmark’s senior team explored ways of marking and raising awareness among customers of the 25th anniversary.
This resulted in a decision to hold a customer event, and we spent time working through the company’s strategic objectives, target audiences and messaging to come up with a format, date and location for an event and other activities that complemented the company’s strategic aims and reflected its core values.
We spent part of the session drafting an editorial piece focused around the 25th anniversary and Emmark’s plans for the future, as well as exploring potential sponsorship opportunities that fitted the firm’s vision and values.

The Services

Partners Pathfinder
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Public Relations
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The Results

The Emmark team left the Pathfinder with a detailed event plan, and a clear idea of everything they needed to put in place to ensure it went without a hitch.
They also left with a professionally written editorial piece, which ran in a number of trade publications, and a sponsorship meeting lined up with a programme leader at a local agricultural college to discuss ways of supporting the next generation of agricultural engineers.
Emmark's MD said: “Having never worked with a PR agency before, we were unsure of what to expect. Partners grasped our business and the ethics of it instantly, and helped us work out a strategy that quickly yielded results. 
“The press release they wrote for us summarised the business history to perfection and has been published in four trade magazines to date.  I would not hesitate to recommend The Partners Group to any business looking for strategic direction.”