"We know our sector very well, but their expertise in reaching an audience and maximising the chance for engagement has been invaluable and the results speak for themselves. 

Tony Brooke

Multi-channel support for Florit Brooke

The Brief

Each year, legal recruitment specialists Florit Brooke produce a handbook for trainee legal professionals who are about to qualify as solicitors. Now in its second edition, the Florit Brooke NQ Solicitors’ Survival Guide covers a wide range of essential topics for young legal professionals, including legal job market trends in 2017, choosing a specialism, and how to negotiate the ups and downs of the application process.
Following a successful strategic Pathfinder session with directors Miguel and Tony, the Partners team was tasked with supporting the launch of the Guide’s 2017 edition. Florit Brooke felt there had been some missed opportunities to promote the Guide the previous year, and were keen to orchestrate a wide-reaching and well-integrated launch for the 2017 Guide in time for the start of the qualifying season.

The Campaign

Partners devised an integrated launch plan for the 2017 Guide, which began two months earlier than the previous year’s.

After implementing a data-capture system on the Florit Brooke website to manage downloads of the Guide, publication was trailed with a multi-channel lead generation strategy to create awareness and promote pre-launch signups among the target audience.

The Guide’s launch was supported with media relations activity within the local legal and business press, a comprehensive calendar of blogs for the Florit Brooke website, and paid social media campaigns as well as organic activity on Twitter and LinkedIn.

In addition to building a ‘buzz’ around the launch, Partners was keen to create sustained interest in the Guide throughout the qualifying season.

Working with members of the Florit Brooke team, Partners created and distributed a monthly e-newsletter for trainee solicitors in the run-up to qualifying, which featured unique insights from legal recruitment professionals as well as a monthly report on the state of the legal job market.

The Services

Partners Pathfinder
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Public Relations
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Social media
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The Results

By the anniversary of the 2016 Guide’s publication date, two months after the 2017 launch, the 2017 Guide had received more downloads than the previous edition had had in a full year. Interest in the Guide continued throughout the 2017 qualifying season: download numbers spiked with the publication of each NQ Newsletter, which saw open rates of up to 68% and clickthrough rates of up to 45%.

Partners’ sustained social media campaign saw great results for Florit Brooke, too, delivering over 135,000 impressions within the Guide’s target demographic and increasing social referrals to Florit Brooke’s website by a remarkable 25% over the campaign period.

Florit Brooke co-director Tony Brooke said: “We have enjoyed working with Partners on this very focused project – we know our sector very well, but their expertise in reaching an audience and maximising the chance for engagement has been invaluable and the results speak for themselves. 

“We’re confident in them increasingly taking a lead and suggesting ideas which will have a positive impact and so we’ve been able to focus on candidate service and recruitment, and we’d anticipate further refinement of our relationship going into 2018.”

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